I hate holidays

Before you call me a Scrooge or tell me I have no Christmas spirit, let me explain why…

The familiar dinging sound of getting a new achievement had always been exciting, he’d congratulate me and we’d race to see who’d get the next one first.  I could care less who called me a nerd, my lil bro and I play WoW and had a blast doing it.  He was terminally ill and couldn’t get out much and the distance between us was bridged by video games.  I’d wake up every morning before school to talk to him while I’d get my day started, he’d laugh as I put on my makeup and tell me I didn’t need it that I was beautiful.  He’d make fun of my bedhead (he’s the only one besides my husband who’s seen it :P) and tell me to do something with that “mess of a mop” on top of my head.  We’d joke until I went to class and I’d hop on MSN messenger and we’d IM during breaks.  When I’d get home, my husband and I would video chat with him again until we were so sleepy we could barely keep our eyes open.

Then one day, I got a text that shattered everything.  I’ll never forget what it said,” I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but Ric passed away last night. I’m sorry,” it was followed by a picture of him.  Suddenly I couldn’t breathe, I ran to my laptop and signed in praying that this bastard was lying to me.  I was too shocked to cry and was mentally cursing the sender of the text and imagining all kinds of horrible things to do to him when I saw him again.  Ric wasn’t online.  It was confirmed later that day that he had died the night before, minutes….


MINUTES after I’d gotten off video chat with him.  The last words we spoke linger still,” I have to go to work, lil bro.  I love you and I’ll try and call you when I get off.”  He smiled and rolled his eyes,” Love you too sis, hugs.”  His smile radiating before he hung up.

Holidays suck now.  I don’t want to be excited anymore, Ric and I had traditions and without them I just don’t want time to pass.  I don’t want to move on, I want to stay in a place where the memories are fresh and I can be with him.  He’s gone and I feel like everyone else is too happy.  Almost like,” Hey, my friend is dead! How the f*ck are you happy?”  selfish right?

I don’t do holiday decorations, I don’t enjoy the rush to buy presents, I don’t like running to every family member’s house and worrying if we’ll be on time, and I hate how everyone looks at me all f*cked up when I’m not bright and bubbly.  

So, if I’m not super-happy and all excited about holidays; just leave me the hell alone about it.  Don’t call me a Scrooge or a Grinch, think about what I’ve lost and shut your mouth.

You Made My Day

I’ve been hitting the gym really hard lately, by that I mean the area of muscles I work that day is so sore the next day I don’t even want to flex them (ab/core day was the worst) let alone work them out.

I’m pairing my Spartan WoD’s with strength training and isolation exercises since the Spartan WoD’s usually have a great overview of your body instead of one or two major areas.  They’re more a guideline for me now and I’m training so hard my appetite is extremely high and I’m struggling to keep up with it.

So about the best part of my week, I have a lot of pleasures I indulge in; but few are as rewarding as teaching my Zumba classes!  Tonight three or four of my ladies (won’t mention names but you know who you are) told me how great my progress was coming along.  As a fitness instructor I feel strongly that I should look the way my clients want to look, so I work very hard to make their workout with me difficult without being impossible and that means I have to be in good shape.  I’ve been getting some really bad feedback from my family and a few “frienemies” lately and it’s really had me frustrated and depressed.

But tonight, you ladies told me on your way out of class how great my legs were looking and how they had more definition.  You also told me that I was one of the best instructors and that you always looked forward to seeing me and loved taking my classes.  Said that  I was your inspiration to get healthier not skinnier, that I was always happy to be at work and so full of energy even when you knew I probably had some problems and stress in my life and that made you want to be like me.  I’ll bet none of you know how much that mean to me, huh?  Well, it made my day/week whatever!

Truth time! My family thinks I’m crazy, my parents are worried I’m trying to get skinnier and dieting to lose weight which is the opposite of what I want.  They’re upset I don’t go out to eat with them as often because I’m always cooking (great abs start in the kitchen after all) and how I’m really picky with my food choices and want to know how everything is cooked.  They’re worried that I’m “jacking” as they put it, with pre-workouts that are dangerous and taking protein supplements that are going to damage my body.  What they don’t know is that I’m constantly scrutinizing everything about my life, researching each product thoroughly before I buy it and each food before I cook it or recommend it to my clients.  Looking through articles and books on ways to make myself better, faster, stronger, able to run one more mile or do one more set.

I am working my ass off, or into shape depending on how you look at it, and you ladies noticed!  It was so heartwarming and inspirational I almost cried.


I’ve been training on a daily basis (with one rest day a week) and eating healthier for the past three months straight, I’ve noticed some really great results, I’m stronger and can run longer and faster and my overall physical performance and my mental health has never been better.  I’m not anxious about stressful situations, instead I see them as obstacles just like the ones in the races I love so much.

I’ve been doing the Spartan WoD religiously every day except my rest day (which is also my cheat day), I include sit-ups, push-ups, burpees, star jumps, and anything else I can think of to the run days in between laps.  It’s not impressive yet but everyone has to start somewhere.  I’ve added lots of fruits and vegetables and cut down on sodium, sugars, no more high fructose corn syrup and when I can help it I steer clear of processed foods altogether.  I’m using Muscle Pharm products (Assault and Combat powders) and go to the gym/track even when I don’t feel like it.

The only disappointment I have is my upper body strength, I’ve been lifting weights almost to the point of total exhaustion three times a week and have seen progress.  I feel it’s too slow and must admit I hate seeing my husband and my male friends and gym partners pump out pull-ups and bench-press twice my bodyweight without breaking a sweat.  So I’m adding more weight to the beginning reps even if I can only do them once or twice.

Product Review:

Muscle Pharm: Combat Powder (protein powder)
My husband and I have been taking this supplement for months, me more than him, but we’ve both noticed a little definition and some sculpting.  Me along my abs and my legs more than my arms and my husband in his arms and back.  We’ve tried two flavors, Banana Cream and Chocolate Peanut Butter.  I like one scoop of each mixed together the best, but they’re really good separately too.

Muscle Pharm: Assault Powder (pre workout)
Normally when you hear about a pre workout the first thing you might think about is the consequences and risks.  Crashing, blood pressure issues, kidney problems, those are just a few that I’ve heard from my very concerned family and friends who think I’m crazy.  Well, I tried it out and the first time I did I didn’t take a full scoop just to see what it would do.  I drank it about half an hour before I planned on training just like the label said.  I walked a lap at the track and waited, I didn’t think it was working and suddenly it hit me.  I needed to run, work, move, lift, something…ANYTHING!  I felt ready to move, not nervous or jittery, just ready.  I had focus and drive without the crash after it had worn off.  I was able to go home, shower, eat, do a little homework and go straight to sleep peacefully.  The flavor I tried was watermelon and it was delicious, I now look forward to it daily.

I really enjoy talking with my friends about our progress and how we’re all doing and have found other people just as  passionate about their time in the gym or wherever they train as I am.  I just can’t help but notice that most of these people I talk to are men and I don’t really have any women who are interested in gym-time because they think they’ll get these huge stereotypical body-building muscles like the people who compete.  They have no idea how difficult it is for those people to compete and how dedicated they have to be to get that definition and keep it.

Also, most people (men and women both) do not want to change their diet/eating habits and implement weight and strength training because it’s difficult and they think eating healthier is a diet coke at a drive-thru.  I’m not trying to be a health nut here, but I can’t help but be annoyed at the people who toss negativity my way and my friends’ way.


Spartan Experience

I signed up for a Spartan Sprint in Mississippi last year, the date was special to me because my best friend’s birthday fell the day before the race.  If he was still alive, I’m sure he would be proud of this accomplishment.  I signed up for my Spartan WoD and was extremely dedicated.  I trained every day without fail, never skipping a day even when I was tired or had to work (I did take one day of rest a week to let my body heal, if I was hurting I did what I could).  I got in a wreck a month before the race and had a concussion, I had to take off of work for awhile and stop training.  I tried getting back into the rhythm again five days later and I got dizzy and faint, so this forced me to let my body rest.  I was devastated and knew this would seriously hinder me at the race.  But I pushed forward and did what my body would let me, which was about half a Spartan WoD everyday.

That Friday my husband and I headed out to our hotel and tried to eat as much healthy food as we could stomach without getting sick.  The next morning at the race we checked in and got our race numbers, this race was very well put together.  There was a clearly marked space to check in, place your bags for bag check, restrooms, vendors, and even some spectator spots.  We walked around and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves until it was finally time for our wave.

To get to the starting line we had to jump a wall and a Spartan Gladiator gave us a motivational speech which wasn’t half bad and actually pumped us up a bit.  After several strong,” AROO!”‘s we were off.  First obstacle, monkey bars, slick and wet and muddy I fell off when my hand slipped at the third bar.  30 burpees for me and not looking like a good start.  Next, the Wall of Woe.  First a 5 foot, then a 6 foot, then a 7 foot, then OUT (over, under, through), Over a wall, Under a board and a net, and through a small square cut out of a wall.  The terrain was terrible and really took it out of us, mud was a few feet deep in some places, we ran along a stream in the water (it rained its ass off earlier so we were waist deep or deeper in some spots), we crawled through mud and muck and made it to obstacle 2, a chain was attached to a cinderblock that we had to drag around a marked course.  There was barely any traction, so dragging a 75lb weight was hell, I busted my ass at least three times and it did not feel good at all.

I may get some of these obstacles out of order, it was a hellacious day but I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything in the world.  There was a “Hercules Hoist” where we pulled a (men 80lb, women 60lb) weight up on a pulley and had to lower it back down slowly and not let it “thunk” on the ground or we failed.  A sideways wall climb/traveling wall climb for a few yards, a spear throw (spears were way too light and I only saw 1 person actually hit the target out of the 30 that were around me.  We only got one throw too 😦 no fair!), 

The defining moment of the race, when I knew shit just got real was when I hit the barbed wire crawl at mile 2.  75 feet or more of mud with barbed wire over it, leaving just inches for you to shimmy your way beneath it.  Up and down and over and through the mud, with some guy pushing my feet and causing me to cut my knees all to hell (jackass, I told him to stop) and finally I saw a wall at the end.  I was thinking we’d have to climb a rope to get over it and looked for the rope.  The man working the obstacle screamed at us,” Spartans! You WILL make it under that wall!”  I was like “under?!” I felt beneath the wall and sure enough there was a space (buried beneath muddy water and more mud), I turned my brain off and went under.  I’m claustrophobic, but once I just let my body go it did amazing things that day, things I never thought I could or would ever do.  I crawled uphill in mud towards the end of the obstacle and rolled over the hill.  Then I see the rope climb.  12 foot straight up, now this isn’t a normal rope climb, first you must haul yourself out of water up to your chest, then you have to climb up 12 feet and ring a bell.  I got halfway up and slipped, meaning I busted my ass in water and half drowned (exaggeration but that’s how it felt).  30 more burpees, but I felt like I’d completed the obstacle anyway.

Reverse wall climb 8 feet up on a slant tested me beyond my limit and beyond what I thought I was physically capable of, and I thought “snap city” was going to add to its population when I had to carry a 50lb weight (cylinder of concrete with no handles so it was slick and I couldn’t get a good grip) a good little ways then drop it do 5 burpees and return it.  Again during the sandbag carry (the man working the obstacle told me to grab the man’s weight instead of the woman’s but hell I made it 80lbs on my back running, AROO!) The last obstacle was a rope climb up a traverse wall on a steep incline, a fire pit to jump over and gladiators to beat your ass.  I crossed that finish line cheering, literally me and the seven people around me (including my husband) were screaming “Aroo!” all the way there.

In everything I did, I was tired, and sore, and hungry, and it was hard and painful and the race claimed blood from me several times; but the experience I got from it was priceless.  I trained and it paid off.

I’ll be doing a separate blog on how to prepare for this race as well as what I’m doing on my workouts/training sessions to prepare myself for the Super Spartan next June.  Keep it up and good luck!  Happy training!

Since I’ve started eating cleaner and healthier I’ve noticed a few things. I’m not nearly as easily depressed or anxious, my hair is more vibrant and has more shine and volume to it, my skin is clearer and coverup is a thing of the past, I’m a happier person all around, I’ve found a love for cooking as well. Nothing makes me happier than to cook a good, healthy meal for me n the husband and seeing the results not only physically but mentally as well for the both of us is just amazing.

I have 1 cheat day a week, on that day I eat anything and everything I want so my body will still know how to tolerate greasy foods. I’m exercising everyday and don’t feel tired when I go to the gym, the motivation is there and the drive is powerful. I’m learning to play with food flavors and not be limited to one or two spices and Tony’s is not a food group.

However, to the people who aren’t trying to be thoughtful and nice when they tell me about my new “diet” fuck off. Like White Goodman off Dodgeball,” It’s only your fault if you don’t hate yourself enough to do something about your body.”  These are the people who think they know everything about everything.

Going it alone

I’ve noticed recently that I have people in my life that continuously bring me down and/or hold me (or themselves) back about staying healthy or being fit.  I’m really getting sick of this crap!  For their sakes I won’t be posting names or relationships to me so all of them will be known as Friend A/B/C…but if you fit underneath the category, odds are you have a friend like me who’s sick of your shit.  Fix it! Note this post is not for everyone, I just need to rant.

Friend A: This is the person who has a million excuses.  No matter what day/time you want to go to the gym they’re never available because their dog needs a massage or their family member needs them to drive them somewhere or some other useless task that wouldn’t take up the entire fuckin’ day.  Those of you with kids, this is different; except for those of you who use your kids as  an excuse.  They’re kids!  I go train at the park, why not play with them or let them play while you train?!  Or take a class and put them into daycare (if offered by your fitness facility).

Friend B:This is the friend who never feels quite right.  The one who “works too much” and is “always tired” or “wants some time to themself”.  Ummmmm, excuse me?!  WTF do you think the gym is for?!  I call it “ME TIME”.  It’s an hour or so devoted specifically to me and all about me.  I don’t care who else is around, what they’re doing or how my day was…this time is all about me!  There is no excuse!  If you want to watch TV, odds are there’s a treadmill with a TV in front of it or ATT offers U-verse everywhere and there’s Netflix!  Bring a book to the treadmill, walk so you can read if you need to.  It’s not about being the most hyperactive person in the place, it’s about moving.

Friend C:This one’s going to offend someone and I know it…so before I start with this one let me say, I’m not sorry.  If this is you, stop the habit and break that cycle. now. just do it.  This being said, this is the friend who is overweight, fat, fluffy, hefty, husky…whatever you wanna call them.  They’ve probly never seen the inside of a gym or the track at the park when they take their kids, they don’t want to be fit and want others to suffer because they aren’t happy with themselves.  These are the people that say,” Well I have <insert random reason here>, and I’m fat and people would look at me.”  Ummmm…..newsflash, I respect overweight people at the gyms and tracks more than I respect the smaller people or the damn gym rats (I hate them too).  If you’re overweight don’t come up w excuses, get off your ass, put down the damned Cheewees and MOVE!  Change your diet, but not so drastically that you can’t get through a day.  Set realistic goals so you can meet them and stick to it!  Find that fit workout buddy that you can train with (at a lower level of course, don’t overdo it) and talk with your doctor about safe ways for you to exercise if health issues are the problem.

Friend D:This is the friend who thinks no matter what you happen to be doing in the gym, they can do it better and discount what you’re doing and have trained up towards.  For example, I had been working on endurance and I wanted to see how many squats I could do after a run with 20lbs on my back (start small and work up).  When I broke my record I was excited and told my friends,” Hey guys, last week I could only do <x> amount of squats after my run with the bar, this week I’ve upped it by <x>!”  This one guy was like,” That ain’t shit, but you’re a girl so I guess that’s good for you…”  (^*&%(&%(*&^)*&  I wanted to slam his face into a wall.  I had been working really hard for that new record!  These are also the types of people who think that nothing can challenge them, like the friend who does some races with me.  He never wants to train and constantly turns me down for a training session because “it’s not like these races are challenging” and he “can get through them without any real effort”  I hope the upcoming race he’s doing KICKS. HIS. ASS. These guys are your typical meathead macho-man motha fuckas who think they’re God’s gift to women and the world revolves around their biceps and “gains”.

If you’re one of these people, seriously you can change it.  Get off your ass and let this be motivational!

But I am absolutely sick of feeling like I’m going at this alone!  I don’t mind the going alone so much when I’m not being put down or held back every step of the God damned way!

Gym Appropriate Apparel

I’ve been hitting the gym frequently for the past six or seven months, I usually train by myself, privately, at the park down the street where there is a track and a jungle gym because I don’t really like people watching me exercise and I want to be “in the zone”.

However, I work at several gyms teaching their Zumba Fitness classes and I finally started training at one of them where I get a free membership.  I tried not to look at anyone first of all when I walked in, let alone pick up on what they were wearing.  I am very comfortable in my skin, I am not ashamed of my body or how I look as I work very frickin’ hard to make sure I stay fit and healthy to be an inspiration to the clients I teach at my gyms.  Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get to the topic at hand.

I’ve been running at the track in the park for a long time, when I go I expect to sweat and get really hot so I wear a regular bra and a sports bra (for me if I don’t wear a regular bra, my breasts feel like they weigh 100lb’s and they’re by no means large).  I am always alone when I run, except for the maybe one or two other people at the track, so I never really thought about what I was wearing other than it made me stay cooler so I could run longer.  I also do push-ups/sit-ups/crunches/dragon crawls/mountain climbers…etc. and run on the hill there to shock my muscles a bit and prepare them for the obstacles and uneven terrain I run on when I race.

So, when I went to the gym I felt this awkward sense of being “naked” if I would have worn a top that showed my stomach even a little bit.  For the sake of not being embarrassed, I bought shirts that are uncomfortable (except my Zumba wear) that cover my body completely.  No cleavage, no tummy.  I feel so strange when I go run on the treadmill like this because I still wear my bra and sports bra (again women everywhere know the importance of a sports bra to hold the “girls” in place).  The shirts are soft but they feel like they’re itchy because of the excess fabric and sweat.

What do you all think about appropriate gym attire?  Is it socially acceptable for a woman to wear a shirt to the gym that is cropped as long as her cleavage is tucked away nicely?  I don’t want the label of being trashy, but should I sacrifice comfort for the sake of others?

Men wear shirts that have the arms and sides cut completely out and show their stomach and chest, I was wondering if that’s somehow more appropriate.  Let me know your opinions. 🙂 I’ve attached photos of the top(s) I am talking about, the shorts are racing shorts and I’m at a race in the pics.ImageImage


So we’re going to talk about a very touchy subject.  Racism.  Do I need to start by saying I’m not racist?  Well, I’m not for the record.

So with the recent events about the Trayvon Martin vs George Zimmerman case, the issue has come up about race.  I will try and stay on the topic at hand and not the case itself.  I have the opinion that Zimmerman is not guilty and was happy that he gets to go home to his family.  For this opinion, I was called a racist.

So much in my news feed about how Zimmerman is going to get killed when he goes back on the streets and all makes me absolutely sick.  This being said, let’s get to the nasty part about this.

The word “nigger” has had its definition changed, I’m paraphrasing of course; but the old definition went something like “a person of lower class, uneducated, ignorant, etc…” now the definition has changed to include race.  It is now defined as: “1.usually offensive; a black person 2. usually offensive; a member of any dark-skinned race 3. a member of a socially disadvantaged class of persons.”  This quote is taken from Miriam Webster Dictionary online, feel free to take a moment to check my copy+paste skills.

Many people are afraid to say this word.  Afraid of being sued, arrested, jailed, beaten, shot, killed, etc…  Wait a minute! What word describes other races that cannot be said because of legal action?  Hmmmmm…can’t think of any?  Me either.  The term “Spic” is a racial slur used to describe people of Latin descent in a negative way, but I’ve never heard of anyone being fined/arrested/jailed over saying this to another person.  Let’s look at some others shall we?  “Cracker” and “Honky” are used to describe Caucasians.  Anyone getting jailed for them?  Not for those either?  Well why the hell not?!

Is it because Caucasians owned African American slaves decades ago?  Well, let’s see how many other races have been slaves.  What did I find out here?  You mean that other Africans were trading different tribes of the same skinned people into slavery, and that Hispanics were widely used as slaves in Europe as well?  Then why can we use the other racial slurs  but not the dreaded “N-Word”?

Let’s look at the other types of discrimination as well.  Take homosexuality and/or transgendered individuals as well.  We say the words “fag/faggot” and “dyke” like they’re going out of style and no one says a damned word.

My point here is that the only people keeping racism alive, besides the ignorant supremacists of all races who spread their hatred like a cancer, are the people who we’re tip-toeing around!  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to watch my mouth around a black person because I’m afraid what I say may be misconstrued as being racist.  This makes me feel very uncomfortable around some people I do not know very well who are black.  I do not use racial slurs because they’re demeaning and I think better of my friends and fellow human beings than that.

This brings me to the question of why can one black person call another black person by a racial slur that anyone else would get into major trouble for saying in mixed company?  If they want racism to stop then why do they keep it alive by calling their peers by a name that suggests that they are uneducated and of low class in society and in other words worthless?  How can this be acceptable for them between peers but not for anyone else?  

It’s because the power is on their side now, so they think.  They think that now the white population owes them something because of a mistake made decades ago.  Use my family as an example of the same type of debt.  I am related to the Hatfields and the McCoys on both sides of my family, these two families were notorious in their area for their violence towards each other.  All over a stolen pig from a farm, one man stole another man’s pig (back in the day this was a big deal, it was almost like stealing a car) and the man found out and killed him.  This started a war of hatred and pain.

I’ve noticed that the race card seems to be pulled anytime a decision is made and the person doesn’t like the outcome.  If two people are interviewing for a job and a white man wins over a black it is immediately thought that the black man was given an unfair disadvantage because of his skin color.

I was treated like a child when I posted on a friend’s page my opinion of why I believed that Zimmerman was innocent.  She told me,” Not tonight, dear.”  Excuse me! I have freedom of speech, try and silence me and I’ll explode just like your race is so stereotypically known for doing when they don’t get their way.  You want to imply that I’m racist but yet you treat me like a toddler or someone who’s completely stupid and so low on society’s totem pole that their opinion doesn’t matter.

All I’m saying is that I don’t appreciate having to tip-toe and being called a racist due to my personal opinions that I have based on the information I have been given.  I’m not racist, however I do loathe the incompetent who pass judgement on others.

Concealed Carry Rant

I just watched a video on Youtube, watch this before you read to get the general idea http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QjZY3WiO9s I won’t make you watch the entire thing.

I am getting my concealed carry permit this upcoming Sunday, the people depicted in this video are regular people with no training.  Key phrase “no training”.  If you own a weapon you MUST train with it.  Personally, I carry my gun on my hip openly wherever I go.  If I cannot carry my gun to a store, it’s simple…I don’t go.  I practice everyday, let’s bold that to make it stand out: EVERY DAY with my weapon.

I unload the weapon and make it safe, take out the magazine and eject the chambered round, then I put the weapon in the holster with an empty magazine and put the holster on my belt.  I then start slow and draw the weapon like I was trained by my dad (who is a police officer) and my friends/family in the military (too many to name), I bring the weapon up and mentally tell myself every step from the time the heel of my hand hits the weapon to the time my finger pulls the trigger to dry-fire.  I gradually increase my speed each time, repeating the action if I mess up at the same speed until I get it right.

I do this daily because if I’m going to carry a gun, I want to know how to use it.  I allow distractions around me as well, my husband watching TV in the next room, my dogs barking, anything around me just goes on.  I have even had some friends try and “interrupt” or “surprise” me, I can only do this in test runs however.  I keep a round chambered and it’d be really sad if I shot one of them.  lol.

I frequent the gun range and practice proper form and technique, making sure that I handle the firearm correctly 100% of the time.  I am by no means an expert, in fact I’ve only been shooting for about a year; but I plan to learn one trigger-pull at a time and do it right.

The people in this video were untrained, some had never used a firearm before.  One of the guys in the video told the person next to him he had a gun.  What kind of an idiot does that shit?! I mean, I don’t have to tell people because they can plainly see mine on my belt; but when I carry concealed and see a stranger sitting next to me I’m damned sure not gonna be like,” Hey, I have a gun!” *facepalm*

I would also like to point out that while I’m an avid Call of Duty fan, this video game is simply that.  A game.  Just because your KDR (kill to death ratio) is good online and you can react quickly online, does NOT mean that you will do the same in a real life situation.  I have never started a sentence while handling a real firearm with anything close to the phrase,” Hey, I’ve done this on CoD and…”  Dumbasses…

The only thing that scares the hell outta me about people carrying weapons is the morons who don’t know wtf to do with them and don’t practice but think they’re badasses.  It makes me sick when I hear one of my friends (usually a chauvinistic male) saying things like,” Well, I’d shoot the bastard with my piece if he fucked with my…” or “Motha fucka I’ll shoot you” or my personal fave “if that bitch ever <insert insulting action here> I’ll bust a cap”.  Bust a cap? Really? and holding your gun sideways makes you look about as stupid as those asshats who sag their pants or wear those tight little T-shirts from Aeropostale, be a man and know your shit.  Or be a woman and show them up, which I do frequently.

Just in case you didn’t know this either, this is my biggest pet peeve so listen up *ahem*


Choosing a firearm is a personal decision.  I was at the mall, (I was dragged there against my will, unarmed and antsy as fuck) and I see a new store.  Inside there were airsoft guns…yes people guns.  I got excited, even though they weren’t “real” guns, they were guns nonetheless.  So I go in w my friend and I’m looking at this pistol that looks just like my 1911, admiring it more or less because of the similarities (great attention to detail).  The guy working there takes it upon himself to ask,” Hey sweetheart, you need somethin’?”  I looked up and stared into the dumbest eyes I’ve ever seen in my life.  I mean he made Billy Madison and the Water Boy look like geniuses.  I decided to be polite and replied,” No, just looking; but this thing is really well made.”  He props his elbows on the counter and I know I’m in for it, he goes on to tell me that 1911’s are pretty but that’s about all they’re good for.

So I ask him,” If that’s all they’re good for then why have they been around for so long without changing much over the years in design and only in the materials used to fashion them?”

He says,” My Glock will kick that thing’s ass.”


I was enraged, but calm as I told him,” Well stare down the business end of my 1911 with a .45 caliber bullet chambered and say that again.”

Needless to say, he shut the fuck up.

So there…short rant…and now I’m tired.  Off to bed!

Makeup and Me…

Okay, so I know this is about to sound vain as hell…get over it.  Please note that this post is not about anyone or directed to anyone.  This post is about me and my thoughts. *phew* okay now that that’s over with.

I’ve been watching a good amount of TV since I took off college for the summer, and I’m noticing that the women on TV are always 100% decked out in makeup.  I’m conflicted about this.  On one hand, I’m confident about the way I look and do not feel the need to slather on makeup; but on the other hand I’m wondering if the reason I don’t wear makeup like others is because either a) I’m lazy/lack of time or b) I’m immature and haven’t figured it out yet.

I wear eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, lipstick and the occasional coverup if I *God forbid* have a blemish or didn’t get enough sleep and my eyes are black underneath them.  So my main question is about being put together, is it about makeup or natural beauty?

Thoughts? Opinions?